Tuesday 14 July 2015

All Of My Flaws

After an appointment with the local mental health team following a transfer to a new county and thus a new GP surgery, I wasn't feeling all that good. Upshot is the mental health team won't take me on. On one side good as it means less poking. On the other bit of a problem if things go wrong. 

So, this meant a lot of nonstap chattering at The Boyfriend and worrying if we would cope just the two of us if I went into crisis. He was scared. I was scared and scared for his emotions. In the car we drifted into silence. It was worrying. 

Then Bastille's 'Flaws' came on and we cracked up. It was very appropriate and suddenly we were okay again. And I realised I will do anything to fight for this relationship. Now my health is not just for me, but for him, for us.

I don't know what will happen next. I know my ASD referral went to a commissioner and her report was sent to my new GP's. They haven't got it yet. I worry. I don't 'want' this diagnosis. I want clarification so I can understand the past and move forward with less confusion on my part and on medics' parts. Now I function better, some friends now judge that nothing was ever wrong. That the doctors got it wrong and I pretended. This hurts. I wish for them to have seen me when I was and am too scared to go outside, open a letter, answer a phone, or unable to explain the rolling itchiness in my brain. 

Oh, they say I look 'well' now. They mean I have a tan. This apparently means nothing is wrong. 

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