Saturday 8 August 2015

Shakey Shakey

After ten months, the report from the consultant I saw in October finally arrived. Pretty much exactly what he summarised at the end of the appointment. Battery of tests indicate IQ in the top 2-3%, motor skills and visual processing in the high-normal range, but understanding emotions/hinting exercises very very low. He concluedes that it is indicative of ASD with possible underlying epilepsy-migraine complex. No evidence to support schizophrenia, bipolar, or a personality disorder.

So, makes sense and good that WonderWoman from the mental health team has made my ASD referral (possibly being seen in September). Also, saw a random GP who agreed to arrange an EEG for epilepsy and the 'possible significant neurological loss' caused by head injuries.

Things move forward. Still end up curled up on the floor when I had to email letting agents to see how we go about arranging a tenancy renewal. I came out of it eventually because I understood:

1) We have never missed rent
2) We passed our 3 month inspection
3) We have no record of antisocial behaviour
4) We have not been served with a notice to evict

So, groundless anxiety. Yet today, my debit card went wonky in the shop and declined. Cue suspicious looks from staff. Quickly checked balance outside and everything normal. Decided chip may have been wearing out. Then immediately get text from bank about weird transactions. Luckily the bank is so good no money was lost and card is blocked off and new one being sent out. Bizarrely this caused only physical anxiety (severe shakes), but I have managed to rationalise it all so that I am not crying or ripping out chunks of my hair.

Now, after a weird start to the day, back to bouncing between three story ideas. I lack focus. 

Also, I won £4 on a £2 scratchcard so that ain't bad.

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